CH Minda Blackngold The Gods Must Be Crazy
CH Alchemist Belle Of The Ball
DOB 10-01-12
OFA Good, OFA Elbows and Patellae normal, ACVO Cleared

Our amazing saga with this amazing dog continues to astound us. He was the 2014 National Specialty Regional Winners dog and National Reserve Winners dog and finished his Championship with a Group One out of the classes. In 2016, he won Best Of Breed at the PreNationals Specialty after being unshown for nearly two years. At the end of 2017, we brought him back out to complete his Grand Championship and he surprised us with several nice breed wins, a very honored specialty win, several group placements and he ended up in the Top 10 Akitas all handled by our new Oklahoma handler the darling Perry Payson. Then as a huge bonus and complete surprise, at the 2018 Akita Club Of America National Specialty he received our breeds’ most prestigious win of Best In Show under the highly respected breed judge Mrs Terrie Breen, piloted by the handling wizard Mr Paul Levesque. He is our third Akita to win this amazing show and he did it on my birthday!
But it is his phenomenal temperament that continues to amaze us. He has excelled at several Meet The Breeds around the country including Royal Canin where he greeted hundreds of Girl Scouts and he’s especially drawn to the elderly and disabled. He is Hollie’s self taught mobility dog and he’s recently shown he’ll serve strangers as well by going to the aid of several people who have fallen. Still, regardless of his phenomenal accomplishments, he will always be the heart dog of two very blessed people and aren’t we fortunate he has such an enormous heart to share!