mBISS CH Nia Minda Catcher In The Rye TT ROMP
CH Northstar’s Shanghai Express TT ROMP
DOB 7-20-97
OFA Good/ACVO cleared 2003
Diamond is another champion from the fabulous breeding of Catcher and Gertie.
A beautiful mahogany and white pinto with a stunning headpiece and perfect balance, she is the exact AKC standard for bitches with correct 9-11 measurement not often seen. While her one and only breeding was not successful, she is the bitch I refer to when I am describing correct outline to other breeders. She was a successful show bitch even into her later years, her last show as a 10 year old veteran brought her a Best Opposite Sex win at the GGAC specialty opposite her nephew Jack. But Diamond’s most memorable quality is her excess of personality….outlandish zeal in everything she does is still her nature….friendly to excess, active to excess, joyous to excess is always going to be Diamond even well into her twilight years. She has always been an adventure and we wouldn’t have her any other way!