CH The Warrior x GCH Quantum's Turn To Stone
Kiss came to us from Barbara Sikkink's breeding program and we co-own her with Barbara. She is a daughter of "Cupid" who is an Eduador import who is linebred onto Valley's brother and her dam is the amazing "Dusa", Austen's remarkable sister. Not quite two years old yet, we have been very patiently watching her blossom into a lovely young lady.
Kiss is a bigger bitch like her dam, slow to mature but the qualities that are appearing are breath taking. She was Winner's Bitch at the National Regional Specialty last year for a five point major and we hope to resume her show career after she puts in a new coat. She is long legged, big boned, proper, moderate angles and a lovely cute head but my very favorite thing about Kiss is Kiss. She is sweet, silly, huggy, happy, funny, playful, outgoing, goofy, charming and just about every positive adjective I can think of all wrapped up in a girl who is one of my favorites. She has more maturing physically to get to the full expression of the promise she brings to our breeding program, but she's had me from day one with her personality which couldn't be more delightful.