CH Kuroi Kao Mariah I'm A Hero ROMPX
Valiant's Block The Shot
DOB 7-04-10
OFA Good, OFA Elbows & Patellae Normal
ACVO cleared 2013
Coowned with Tetua Paoa of Kawela Akitas

When Lexi’s litter was born, we were so excited for her wonderful breeders Paula and Brian Lane of Valiant Akitas. From a frozen semen breeding, seven years after the passing of her stunning sire, the timing just wasn’t right for us to get one of those lovely puppies. So recently, when the opportunity arouse for us to add a girl from that litter into our breeding program, we literally jumped at the chance.
With a pedigree steeped in so many great old kennels; Big-O, Goshen, Akiko, Willowdeen, and more, she is a fantastic addition of size, structure, soundness and super correct type. Her head is all about triangles with strong cheeks, full, short muzzle, furrowed topskull and topped with lovely round tipped, triangular ears, her topline is board level, her shoulder is set under her just as it should be with correct angles and good width of chest, her balance of leg to body is exactly correct for a bitch and her rear is solid and strong with good depth of thigh and nice letdown hocks. But the attribute that is her strongest feature and goes so well in our kennel is her stunning temperament. She arrived as a fully mature adult and she is so confident and sure and even natured that no one would ever guess she hadn’t been born and raised here. Good natured with people, well mannered in the house, a fabulous ball player and indifferent to other dogs, she is an enormous asset on every level.
News flash: Lexi recently had a litter from our breathtaking boy Danno. One more great attribute to her long list… she whelped in near record time with ease and comfort and she is an exceptional mother! Thank you again Paula and Brian for this fabulous girl!